Collaborating to meet client expectations
A client will choose PPM to manage their portfolio and an adviser to assist them with their broader wealth management plan, but every client must lodge a tax return and the vast majority of clients do this through their trusted accountant.
PPM understands the deep relationship between accountants and their clients, and we work together to provide a comprehensive and seamless investment management experience for all parties involved. Ensuring that we meet the technological and legislative requirements that ease the burden on accountants and reduce costs on their clients where appropriate.
PPM first developed Individually Managed Accounts (IMAs) in 1995 to provide our clients with better individual outcomes in relation to the management of their investments and their tax outcomes.
PPM’s IMAs provide the key benefits of direct transparent ownership and tailored investment management for individual investors, family offices, SMSFs, charitable organisations and private ancillary funds. Clients can specify growth or income requirements, along with specific investment, environmental, social or governance (ESG) restrictions.

PPM works diligently with our clients and their accountant to ensure that each portfolio is tailored to meet their individual investment requirements, risk tolerance and tax effective outcomes. As each client retains the direct beneficial ownership of their holdings, dividends and franking credits accrue to each portfolio. Existing holdings can be transferred into their PPM portfolio without triggering tax events via In-specie transfer. Investment management, sell decisions, withdrawals and transitions are made with consideration to the client’s total tax consequences and status – a key benefit for SMSF and tax-reporting clients.
PPM understands the importance for clients and their accountants of integrated technology, comprehensive reporting and regular communication. All IMA clients have secure on-line account access, formal quarterly portfolio performance appraisals, portfolio commentary, and annual tax reporting. Reporting can be customised to meet a client’s specific requirements and can be uploaded directly to most accountants reporting systems at no additional cost. Online read only access can be shared with a client’s accountants.
PPM is linked into CLASS and BGL, for more information please contact your accountant or PPM directly.
Key benefits
- A specialist investment manager – Investment management is PPM’s core business – supported by a team of experienced portfolio managers and analysts, we do not offer financial planning or accounting services. We partner with advisers and accountants to provide a personalised, tailored approach to meet clients investment needs and objectives. PPM is privately owned and unaligned to any product provider.
- Active Management in Australian and Global Equities - PPM’s IMA capability is time tested, proven investment expertise with a 25 year + track record.
- Direct access to a portfolio manager dedicated to each client – we can schedule regular presentations and notifications such that you are always aware of how we are managing your clients’ portfolios, what securities are included and why.
- Integrated and consolidated reporting - IMA quarterly and annual client reports can be tailored to provide information in a format that matches your technology requirements. PPM is linked to Class and BGL to assist clients and their accountants prepare annual returns and tax reports.
- Time savings - Partnering with PPM can assist in growing your business by ensuring greater time can be spent on focusing on clients with PPM undertaking the investment management.
- Dedicated client services, market updates and quarterly insights to support for your practice.
- IMA fully inclusive fee structure - Our management fee for our IMAs is inclusive of all investing, client communication and reporting. The IMA fee is an eligible tax deduction for your client. There are no platform or administration fees.
- Access to corporate opportunities IPOs and capital raisings for your clients as well as professional advice around these corporate actions. We take care of all corporate action administration.
- Beneficial ownership meaning no pooling of capital gains - each clients tax position is unaffected by other investors as such each clients’ holdings have individual cost bases for each of their listed securities. This means there are no tax consequences for your client as a result of other investors’ transactions or prior capital gains made unlike those within a unit trust structured managed fund.
- Management of existing holdings or large CGT parcels - One of the key benefits of the IMA structure is the ability to in-specie transfer stocks into the portfolio without triggering any tax consequences. That allows PPM to effectively manage positions for clients that have large capital gains attached to them which they may have been holding for a significant amount of time, have inherited or acquired through an employee share scheme. The necessity of planning and proper execution of a plan around situations such as these are imperative for clients so as to not create unfavourable consequences for clients.
- One economic entity - where a client may have complicated family structure or, separation of assets; for income or capital growth purposes, PPM can consolidate their management and treat as one economic entity. The client will receive a consolidated report of their group showing all of their performance, assets and income together, however at year end they will still be treated separately. Their accountants will receive individual reports for tax reporting purposes.
Portfolio Strategies
Although PPM manages each client’s portfolio individually, incorporating their specific investment parameters, PPM offers several investment strategies each sharing a common focus of generating returns, preserving capital and effectively managing tax outcomes.
Portfolios are constructed without consideration for index weighting or other artificial constraints. Underlying investments are held in the investors name through an Individually managed Account (IMA), for better tax outcomes, transparency and security.
See below for more details on PPM’s IMA investment strategies.
Growth Portfolios
Multi-Asset Growth Portfolios are actively managed portfolios of high quality investments in Australian and global equities, fixed interest and cash.
Income Portfolios
Multi-Asset Income Portfolios are actively managed portfolios of high yielding investments in Australian and global equities, fixed interest and cash.
Australian Equities Portfolios
Australian Equities Growth Portfolios are actively managed portfolios of Australian shares.
Global Equities Portfolios
Global Equities Growth Portfolios are actively managed portfolios of that invest in quality global equities listed on major stock exchanges.
We would be delighted to discuss how PPM benefits your client’s investment management options.

Phone: 02 8256 3777

Phone: 02 8256 3712