Tailored Investment
PPM first developed IMAs in 1995 to provide our clients with a better service in relation to the management of their investments.
IMAs provide the key benefits of direct transparent ownership and the tailored investment management for individual investors, family offices, SMSFs, charitable organisations and Private Ancillary Funds.
PPM partners with our clients and their advisers to ensure that each portfolio is tailored to meet each client’s investment requirements, risk tolerance and tax outcomes.
Clients can specify growth or income requirements, specific investment, environmental, social or governance (ESG) restrictions. As each client retains the direct beneficial ownership of their holdings, dividends and franking credits accrue directly to each portfolio and existing holdings can be transferred into their PPM portfolio without triggering tax events. Investment management, sell decisions, withdrawals and transitions are made with consideration to the clients total tax consequences and status – a key benefit for SMSF and Not-for-Profit clients.
All IMA clients have secure on-line account access, formal quarterly portfolio performance appraisals, portfolio commentary, and annual tax reporting. Reporting can be customised to meet a client’s specific requirements and can be uploaded directly their advisers accounting systems.
Clients receive regular portfolio manager contact as well as dedicated Client Services support from a team of administrators and portfolio accountants.
An Individually Managed Account or IMA is a discretionary management agreement whereby clients delegate the day to day investment decisions and implementation of their chosen investment strategy to PPM while retaining the full beneficial ownership of their investments.
Key benefits of a PPM IMA
Active Investment Management
Tailored Individual portfolio
Tax Management
Transparent Direct Ownership
Bespoke Reporting
Learn more about why you should choose PPM as your investment manager.
Portfolio Strategies
Although PPM manages each client’s portfolio individually, incorporating their specific investment parameters, PPM offers several investment strategies each sharing a common focus of generating returns, preserving capital and effectively managing tax outcomes.
Portfolios are constructed without consideration for index weighting or other artificial constraints. Underlying investments are held in the investors name through an Individually managed Account (IMA), for better tax outcomes, transparency and security.
See below for more details on PPM’s IMA investment strategies.
Growth Portfolios
Multi-Asset Growth Portfolios are actively managed portfolios of high quality investments in Australian and global equities, fixed interest and cash.
Income Portfolios
Multi-Asset Income Portfolios are actively managed portfolios of high yielding investments in Australian and global equities, fixed interest and cash.
Australian Equities Portfolios
Australian Equities Growth Portfolios are actively managed portfolios of Australian shares.
Global Equities Portfolios
Global Equities Growth Portfolios are actively managed portfolios of that invest in quality global equities listed on major stock exchanges.

Phone: 02 8256 3702
Email: hm@ppmfunds.com
I would be delighted to talk to you in detail about PPM’s service offering.